Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You Go Girl!

Ellie was required by her 5th grade teacher to enter the school Science Fair this year. So she did and was one of the winners! Good job Ellie, we're so proud of you!
**PS- I found out today that Ellie has advanced to the Tooele County School District Science Fair. She's dropping off her project right now (she went over with a friend who also won) and we'll go back Friday morning to see who wins.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I scream, you scream...

...we all scream for Ice Cream! Happy Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!
What better way to cheer up the long cold winter then by eating ice cream for breakfast! Thanks Aunt Trudy for telling us about this delicious holiday. We'd been looking forward to it for a few weeks and enjoyed it very much this morning. I made some cowboy coffee cake to go with it cause I couldn't bring myself to just serve ice cream. It kind of rounded out the meal a little.
I had good intentions on making a trip to Salt Lake to get Baskin-Robbins seeing as how that's what I was raised on. My parents owned a Baskin-Robbing store until I was 12, and my grandparents had one too for a while when I was a kid. The Todd family members love Baskin-Robbins and can down a gigantic bucket (the ones in you see in the display case) in no time at all when we're all together. In fact- I remember going to my cousins house in Florida when I was 11 or 12 (so that we could all go to Disney World) and eating Baskin-Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream for breakfast one day. So Todd family- please excuse the cartons of Dreyers on the counter, if Baskin-Robbins was closer I would have gone.

We can't wait to celebrate this one again next year!