Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome to our blog

So we've started a blog... Yippie! My sisters will be so happy. Maybe this way we can remember and share some of the funny (and not so funny) things that happen in our home. It might take a little while for us to really get this going, so be patient because it will come.


Alicia said...

Oh yeah! I'm glad that you are doing a blog. Even though I get to see you guys at least once a week, it'll still be fun to see the cute pic's of you kids. Feel free to check ours out too if you want.

Bailey said...

Yay! Hooray! I thought this day would never come! I'm so glad that I get to see all the Haymond happenings! I miss you guys!

P.S. I like the Spanish theme! Keep it up!