Monday, October 6, 2008

Twlight and tweens

Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fan of the Twilight series. They were a good, quick, fun read. But when my 12 year old daughter asked me if she could read them, my response was "NO WAY!” When she asked why (like all kids do), I explained to her that the series was not written for Jr. High kids and that there is inappropriate content for someone her age. So I was shocked when Anna brought home the Falcon 411 (Grantsville Jr. High's student newspaper). I read that out of about 200 students surveyed, 81 are currently reading Twilight. That's roughly 40%. Maybe we are just strict parents. We very rarely let our kids watch PG13 movies and we monitor what they watch on TV and what they read. We are trying to raise them to have good moral standards. Letting her read Twilight would contradict the standards we're teaching. So sorry Anna, no Twilight for you!


Maymo said...

I agree Jessy. Twilight is barely appropriate for me and I'm turning 27 this week... But I'm assuming that Anna is more mature than I am so maybe she can read it by the time she is 20 :)

Mandy said...

That's ok Anna, I haven't read them either. Although everyone else has seemed to! All of my YW are reading them or have read them.

The Burila Bunch said...

We are with you. Having read them I just think that the information involved in the books are what girls are ready to read when they are in college. The books were so intense with the discriptions. You are doing the right thing. Jessy are with you I told Lizzy no too!!! to Anna: There will be plenty of time to read these books, for right now find some good classics that the prophet was talking about in his talk Sunday afternoon. Good classics are full of romance and tragedy too. You can't date yet so just know that these books are for someone that can seriously date and is getting ready to be married. I have some good books you can borrow. Come see me. Sister Burila

Bailey said...

Anna start out with Harry Potter. I know you haven't read them yet. Read Twilight when in you get in High School. Here are some other good ones that I think you would love... Holes, The Hobbit, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables. Oh you have lot's of options. Twilight can wait.

Cindy said...

I'm with you there! Isabella wants to read my old Jack Weyland books too. Although there isn't anything wrong with most of them (some do have some mature subject matter though) I told her she doesn't really need to read a bunch of books about trying to get married just yet!

Amanda said...

Well, I think the Twilight series is great for those that are married. So I guess I'm a bit more strict about it. Just because everyone else is reading it doesn't make it good enough for you.

Judy said...

Jessy, The twilight series is not great literature, not for you or for Anna. There are so many other book that are considered amazing literature for young people. Sweet Anna doesn't need to be reading romance novels. So your decision is a great one. Now,as a mother, can I ask you to stop reading romance novels and go back to the wonderful literature you were reading? Love you!!

Jessy said...

Thanks mom- I didn't think I read romance novels (I guess I didn't really consider Twilight to be a "romance novel"). I'm always looking for a good book to read, so pass some on- anything but your cat mysteries!

Bailey said...

I would say that calling Twilight a "Romance Novel" would be a little extreme. Guilty Pleasure yes. Nothing wrong with that every once in a while. It's not like you read young adult fiction all the time. Every now and then is fine. Mom don't be so picky. At least you have daughters who like to read. And we like to read all types of books.