Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Days of School

The kids started school this week. Anna and Ellie started on Monday, and Tyler started today. Did I shed any tears at my kids going back to school- NO! I enjoy the routine of school days, and lets face it, who doesn't like a quiet house for a few hours.

Anna started 8th grade this year at Clarke N Johnson Jr High in Tooele. This is a new school for her because the district realigned the boundaries (last year she was in Grantsville). She was a little nervous the first day because her schedule had gotten messed up and wasn't on the computer when we went to print it Sunday night. She spent most of first period in the office getting it fixed. It all worked out in the end and she's had a good first week so far! Ellie started 4th grade. Her teacher this year is Mrs. Burket- the same teacher Anna had in 4th grade. She has some good friends in her class this year which is always nice, I just hope she doesn't get too chatty in class. Ellie walks to and from school every day with some other kids on the block- including her best friend Zoe (in the picture with her below).Tyler started kindergarten this year. He was so excited! He is in Mrs. Hyre's afternoon class- the same teacher Ellie had for kindergarten. Bryan was able to come home for lunch to walk with us to school. He wasn't nervous at all. I walked him into his classroom and showed him where to hang his backpack. Then I walked him out to the kindergarten playground where he gets to play until class started. I told him that he could go play until his teacher calls them in and he said "Ok Mom- see ya!" No hug or kiss, no nervousness- just ready to go. He's not going to miss me at all!We have smart, great kids. I can't wait to see what they learn this year. I know they're capable of so much. Good luck guys!


Rob said...

I'm so glad I got your blog address from you guys last's so great! It's fun to get to see all your kiddos and what you guys are up to. Now that HW is's sweet to be able to stay in touch still. Our blog is www.bachmanbloggers.blogspot. -Katie

Jared - Christina said...

No tears?? Wow! I've been getting teary at the thought of school starting for months! Eli starts K tomorrow-maybe...he's sick today so we'll see! The routine part will be good for me though I do love being foot loose and fancy free!
ps-cute pictures! :)

Arlene said...

They all look happy! How nice to have good first days!

Bailey said...

Anna looks so cute for her first day. Well actually they all look cute. How fun for you to be back to only one kid at home all day.

Mandy said...

What are you going to do with just one kid at home?!? I just have the boys at home now and it is such a big difference going places with just the two of them.