Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blasted Cold!

I will admit, I am not a very good blogger yet. But I do have a good excuse for the lack of new posts over the past few weeks. I've had a cold. We've all had a cold. But while everyone else got over theirs after a week, I still have mine and it's been 3 1/2 weeks. I think this may be one of the down sides of nursing. I am very limited with what meds I can take. So while Bryan's loading up on the NyQuil, I'm stuck using the Sinus Rinse (which is not very pleasant), a humidifier, and some Claritin. It's no wonder that I now have a sinus infection. So here's what we've been up to over the past few weeks....

We've been sleeping- I honestly don't know how kids do it. It seems like they can sleep anywhere and in any position. He must have been really wiped out to sleep like this.
And sleeping some more- This little girl has decided that she will only sleep on her tummy. I've been canning- Just peaches so far. Yummy! I'd still like to do some applesauce too. Bryan's been tearing up walls- As if our family/play room wasn't a mess already with Anna living in there, it's an even bigger mess now with the bottom half of the walls torn up. I just have to remind myself that it will be great when it's finished.
He's also been building new walls- With the help of some friends in the ward, we are slowly getting the basement finished. Anna will finally have a room of her own! We hope it will be finished by Christmas.
And on top of all that and all the normal mom stuff (soccer practice, homework, dinners, grocery shopping...), I've started watching my neighbors 2 kids for her while she drives a school bus. Her little boy is about 18 months and her daughter is 6. They get here bright and early at 6:30am (actually it's not so bright out at that time of day!). She goes off to school with Ellie and he is here until 9/9:30. Then he comes back around 1:30pm, she comes home with Ellie after school at 3:25, and they go home at 4:30 or so.
So I've been sick and busy all at once. I need a vacation!


Ware Family said...

Wow Jessy,
I can't believe you can bottle peaches, babysit, and do everything else you are doing while being a wife (to a public accountant!) and mom to four, including a newborn.
I thought I was busy, but....not compared to you!
I'm sorry you have a sinus infection, those are really the worst! I got one once while pregnant with Jackson and I thought I would die.
You rock! Hope you get better soon!

Bailey said...

Scout will only sleep on her tummy too. I think she started doing that right around 4 months when she learned to roll over herself. No matter how many times I would go in and put her on her back she would always end up on her tummy. Oh well! What can you do?

The Cook's said...

Wow! What a woman! That is so nice of you to watch your neighbors kids, please let me know if you need to ever send a couple of kids over, so you can get some rest and relaxation, I'm serious! Call me.

Cindy said...

There you were feeling sick yesterday and I was there talking your head off! I finally got over my three week cold. Something weird is going around this fall. Hope your sinuses feel better soon!