Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wii love bowling!

So, for those of you who hadn't heard, we gave Bryan a Wii system for Father's Day. The kids really like playing the Wii Sports (probably because it's still the only game we have!). We're all fond of the bowling because it's easy and you can score high. The kids, especially Tyler, wanted to try their luck at real bowling, so I took them today. After a few frames I started to here the kids say "this is a lot harder then Wii bowling". But they stuck it out.

Ellie (with the help of some bumpers) was the big winner with a score of 80. She scored the only strike of the game and was also pretty good at making the ball bounce down the lane.

Tyler came in second with the help of bumpers and a ramp to roll the ball down. He scored a 60. He tried bowling without the help of the ramp a few time. The ball went so slow we didn't know if it would make it to the pins.
And then there's my sweet Anna. She didn't have anything to help her. I guess the age limit for the bumpers is 9 and she didn't want to use the ramp. She came in last with a score of 52. She must get it from me because I stink at bowling too!

Over all I think they still had a good time. I hope they don't give up on "real" bowling even though they like "Wii" bowling better!
Oh, and just so Kate doesn't feel left out (and because I know how much my mom likes to see pictures of all the kids) her is a picture of her cheering on her big sisters and brother, since she's not into bowling so much yet.


Aubrey Jane said...

Great post Jessy! Islay and Noah really want to trip bowling when we visit you. It would be fun!

Cindy said...

Tell Anna that 52 is a very respectable score for a young newbie bowler. I come from a family of bowlers so I should know! However I didn't get the "bowling gene". I was actually on a bowling league when I was 10 and I scored a 5 on one game!

Kent said...

How fun! I remember bowling with you, Bryan and Anna down at BYU one time. Great memories! Also, knowing that Bryan has a Wii is the final straw in my saying we need to come visit you guys again soon. In fact, once I build up enough of a savings to pay for the gas we are on our way!

Bailey said...

Now we just need to get Aubrey and Robert to get a Wii then we can challenge each other to on line bowling!


We love the Wii! I said that we never would have a gaming system in the house...and I was the one who bought the Wii. I just got the Wii Fit about a month or so ago and love it!!!

Richardson Family said...


Awesome! I am so glad you have a blog! Now I can keep up with you and your cute family. I love this blog stuff! I am so glad you found Megans scriptures! We have been looking for them for a year now! Yes, please give them to my mom. That would be great! Thank you! I look forward to future blog entries!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessy! I found your blog through Cindy's. It is cute. If you want an invite to mine e-mail me your e-mail and I will send you one!
My e-mail is:

Judy said...

I think my grandkids are perfect in every way. Anna, my first bowling score was 9. I was 16 years old. I love all the pictures! Love, Tutu