Monday, August 4, 2008

Word of the month club

So I think I need to start posting a word (or phrase) of the month on our blog. My kids say the craziest things sometimes and now I'll try to remember to share it with all of you. This months winner is Tyler (he will probably be the winner most months since he's young and makes up his own way of saying things). He was getting ready for a bath with the baby and Ellie was in his way. So he said "McCuse me" instead of excuse me. We laughed so hard. I love his ability to "McDonaldize" a random word. As if McNuggets and McHottie weren't bad enough, now we have McCuse.
Well, needless to say, Ellie moved and he made it into the bath with Kate. So the next time someone's in your way, try using a polite McCuse me to get them to move!


Bailey said...

I love it! I'm going to use that one for now on. Thanks Tyler for the new lingo!

BTW Kate has gotten so dang cute!!!

Cindy said...

That is McFunny! I think we should ad Mc to everything we say from now on!

Kent said...

Your Tyler sounds McAwesome. We need to have him come hang with our Tyler some time soon.

Alicia said...

So stinkin' funny!! I love this age. They come up with the funniest stuff!