Monday, September 28, 2009

We'll miss you Granny!

My dear sweet Granny passed away last week. She was an amazing women who will be truly missed. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at the beginning of the summer so we knew this was coming, but it still came sooner then I would have liked. I was able to drive to St George (where she had been living with my Aunt and Uncle) 2 weeks ago. It was hard to see her so frail, but at the same time I feel very blessed to have been able to care for her for a few days after all the care she had given me over the years.
We lived pretty close to my grandparents while I was growing up, so I was able to spend a lot of time with them. She use to take us to the swimming pool on the air force base; she would take us to feed the ducks (always making sure to wipe the poo off the bottoms of our shoes before getting back into her car); she would have us over for sleepovers- which usually meant taking a bath in her pink (yes- pink) bath tube and eating toast with whipped honey on it for breakfast. She had the best collection of dress-up clothes, board games, records, and books; and always made every holiday extra special. My granny was dutch- so I can thank her for my blond hair, blue eyes, and big bones :)
I love her so very much and will miss greatly!


Tanya said...

What sweet memories, Jessy.

Arlene said...

I was sad to hear about your Grandma. She's sounds fabulous. I'm glad you have so many good memories of her. I think Dutch Grandma's are especially wonderful!