Monday, January 19, 2009

blogger vacation

Has it really been a month since I last posted?!? Sorry, I'm on blogger vacation. Here's a quick look at what we've been up too, and some pictures from Christmas...

-We had a great Christmas, everyone got what they wanted- including me (a new digital camera!)...

-We had a great New Years, actually stayed up until past midnight- a first in a long time...

-School started back up again(hooray!!)...

-Bryan went back to work after being home for a month (hooray!!- just kidding I actually really enjoyed him being home with me)...

-Some of us (Bryan, Kate & Anna) got the stomach bug that's been going around- YUCK!

-Kate cut another tooth and had her 9 month check-up- she's great!

-The basement got drywalled, mudded & taped, and textured...

-Now it's my turn- I guess I'm in charge of painting. I liked to paint until I started priming, it's the pits!

-Hopefully I'll be finished soon so my life can return to it's semi-normal state!

Don't give up on me- I'll be back at it soon!


Arlene said...

Phyllis gave me your address! I will have to look more. Your kids are so old and gorgeous! Adios! I'll email you some pictures of Grandpa/ma H in the next few days! (Arlene)

StacyBug said...

I have been checking and checking to see if there was a new post. I love the picture of Baby Kate, soooo cute!! :) Stacy

Bailey said...

Kate is getting so cute and big. I love her big gummy cheesy grin!