Monday, August 18, 2008

4 months!

Kate is 4 months old now (actually she's 4 1/2 months, I'm a little late with the post)! I took her in for her 4 mo. check up last week and here are her stats: 14 lbs 5 oz (65%) and 27 inches (97%). She had to get some shots that made her pretty crabby for a few days. She is growing so much and has the cutest personality. She giggles and smiles all the time and is very much loved by the whole family (kids included!). I think my favorite time with her is when she finishes nursing, she looks up at me with milk dribbling out of her mouth and smiles and coos. It melts my heart!

We love you baby Kate!


Karin said...

She is so cute! I love her little round face!

Bailey said...

Oh Kate you have gotten so big & cute! I love it! Scout is sitting here babbling to your picture I'm sure she is saying she loves you!

Amanda said...

Got to love those smiles after nursing-- It's like they are saying "Thank you for the yummy meal! And Thanks for not feeding me the fake stuff!" She is a cutie!