Monday, August 18, 2008

Fun at Park City

Last week, Bryan's company had a summer party at The Park City Mountain Resort. We spent the afternoon there riding the rides, eating dinner, and having a great time! Ellie and Tyler got their faces painted, Bryan took the 3 older kids on the Alpine Slide a few times, we took turns taking them on the Alpine Coaster, Anna & I rode the Zip Rider, Ellie did the Legacy Launcher, Anna climbed the Climbing Wall, and mixed in there somewhere was some Miniature Golf playing. The weather was great, the mountains were beautiful and we all had a fabulous time!
Anna and me riding the chairlift up the mountain so that we could ride the Zip Rider back down. She was pretty nervous, but still had fun!

Ellie getting ready to jump on the Legacy Launcher. She was actually able to do some flips while jumping. In case you can't tell, it's a butterfly painted on her face.

Bryan and Tyler getting ready to ride the Alpine Coaster. This was by far the best ride there. Do you like Tyler's Batman face?

The fam getting off the Alpine Slide. They came down so fast that I wasn't able to get a picture of them still on it. By the time I had the camera out, they were all getting off. Oh well!

The day wouldn't have been complete without Tyler throwing a fit (because that's what he does best)! Let's just say that Batman face paint and tears do not mix!

And lastly, sweet baby Kate. She spent the afternoon and evening eating and hanging out in her car seat. Maybe next year she can play too.


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys had fun! You have such an amazing family!!!

Cindy said...

What a fun day! Park City's Alpine Slide is much better than Snowbird's. I need to take the kids to that one soon, it's fun in the fall (Brent and I went on one of our first dates there a million years ago:)

Bailey said...

FUN! I want to go!