Sunday, August 24, 2008

A week of firsts

We've had a busy week of firsts in our house. Our 1st "first" is that the girls started school. On Wednesday, Anna started 7th grade (see post below). On Thursday, Ellie started 3rd grade. Here she is all ready to walk to school. I walked with her the first day to show her where the new classroom was. A friend of mine (from my ward) is her teacher this year, so Ellie got to be a special helper the first day. I'm not a typical mom, I don't get all teary eyed when my kids go back to school. I'm actually excited for them to go back. Is that bad? The start of school means the start of routine again (since I'm terrible at sticking to one during the summer months!), and I like routine.

Our 2nd "first" this week was Kate trying some yummy (not!) rice cereal. She's not too sure about it. I think only about 10% of what I put in, stayed in. I'm sure soon enough she will like it more. This is a "what are you doing to me mom?" face! Trust me Kate, you'll like it. Food is good!

Our 3rd (and final) "first" was the kick off for the fall soccer season. Practice started and the first games were Saturday. This is Ellie's 3rd season playing and Tyler's 1st. Ellie is on her same team as last year but they've moved up a level. They now play with a bigger ball, on a bigger field, and for longer quarters. She was a little winded at the end of the game from running so much. She didn't score this game, but she played really well. She passed a lot and had some good saves. You wouldn't know it from looking at her, but she gets pretty aggressive when she plays. She's not afraid to get in there and get the ball.

Tyler is on a team with his friend Carter. Carter's dad is their coach. I didn't make it to his game because Ellie's game was at the same time, but Bryan said he did good. He actually scored a goal- way to go Tyler! Bryan said that after he scored, he looked over at him with a look on his face as if to say "Was I suppose to do that?". I guess he also had an assist; he passed the ball to a kid on the other team who then kicked it into our goal.

It's been a busy week. I was very grateful for this day of rest that I've had today. I know that next week will probably be just as busy if not more so with the state of homework and other activities. Oh the life of a stay at home mom, gotta love it!



I hear you on that one! I am crying for whole different reason than most moms...they are all sad that their babies are growing up; going to school all day....I am crying cause I am so happy to have some me time. LOL I too love routine! I cannot believe how Anna has turned into such a young women at the blink of an eye. Cute pics by the way.

Ware Family said...

Jackson is back in preschool today and I actually got a shower before 2 pm, so I'm also on the yay-for-school team.
Who is Ellie's teacher, I didn't even know anyone in the ward taught at Rose Springs.

Jessy said...

Sorry, Ellie's teacher is Terry Chynoweth (for anyone from the ward). And we are so excited!

Anonymous said...

The picture of Kate is priceless!
The first day of school IS NOT a sad day at our house, either! It signals routine and some peace and quiet! :) I love my children, but we all need time away. It is a great thing! You are NOT bad!

Aubrey Jane said...

What a great and busy week! I think that we all like routine - but don't you get tired of shoving the kids out the door by the time May rolls around?
I'm so jealous that they have soccer for Tyler there! I wish Noah could play too.
Is Kate really old enough for rice cereal? Is just doesn't seem possible!

Cindy said...

Kate is such a cutie! I just have to share with you this line from a song on my blog: " can see daisies in her footsteps, dandelions, butterflies, I wanna be Kate!"
(Sorry, I'm a little too into my music!:)

Judy said...

My precious grandchildren are perfect in every way. I love Ellie's sparkly shirt. Good for Tyler scoring a goal. And Kate and I share the same opinion of rice cereal! Love to you all, Tutu